Tallest Weed Contest – Kewaunee County Fair
Have a weed, in your field, or on your property, you think is a prize winner? Then cut it
down, and bring it into the Kewaunee County Fair to enter it in the Tallest Weed
Contest. All you need to do is bring it to the Kewaunee County Fair Exhibition Hall, on
Saturday, July 13 th , by noon and fill out the entry form. There will be an overall winner to
be announced at the conclusion of the judging process. So, start scouting those fields
now for the winning entry!
1. Weeds cannot be woody plants (ex. Trees)
2. Weeds cannot be poisonous plants
3. Weeds must be “donated” for display, at the Kewaunee County Fair Exhibition
The winner will receive $100, a Black Thumb Trophy, and of course, the honor of ebing
able to grow the Tallest Weed!
All judges’ decisions are final.